GDPR, Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy and Privacy Policy (hereinafter and in other agreements referred to as "privacy policy") describe how we store and process your personal data when you use our services or visit our websites. This privacy policy is an integral part of our general terms and conditions / user agreement. When you choose to visit our web pages or use the service, you accept our privacy policy through the visit/use.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), "personal data" is defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Processing of personal data
Registration with us requires us to register your email address and IP address. This is primarily to prevent abuse of the page and for further contact with our registered visitors. During your visit to the site, your computer traffic is protected by SSL encryption.
All other information about you on the page has been entered by you yourself and you can edit it yourself in logged-in mode!

Our role as personal data controller
We are a personal data processor and are therefore responsible for the processing of your personal data taking place in accordance with the instructions from the customer in the entered personal data processor agreement. On our site, we protect your personal privacy. Obligations according to laws and regulations that exist in relation to personal data, e.g. the personal data act GDPR, we comply with the aim of protecting your data. Under no circumstances will we release your data to third parties, with the exception of the police, if an ongoing investigation can be demonstrated.

Transfer of personal data to third parties
Your personal data is safe with us. We will never use your data to send information other than what we consider necessary for the use of our services. The subcontractors, subcontractors, who handle personal data on our behalf are listed in the personal data subcontractor agreement with our customers. We place the same strict demands on them as we do on our own services in terms of appropriate technical and organizational safeguards.

Your rights
If your personal data is registered with us, you have the right to request it and if it is incorrect, you have the right to correct it. You have the right to supplement incomplete information and, if you wish, you can have your personal data deleted. If you choose to delete your personal data, this has the consequence that we cannot keep you as a user on locked parts. We will also continue to store or process your personal data if this is required by law.
Personal data that you request is delivered in a structured, digital and machine-readable format.

Contact with end users and customers
As a user of our services or a visitor to our website, you will not be contacted by us with offers.

When you as a customer provide us with contact details, they are only used to deliver passwords, inform about the service or provide other relevant information.

Electronic cookies
Electronic cookies ("cookies") may be placed on your device when you visit a website. Even when visiting our websites, cookies are stored on your computer. These are harmless and do not pose a safety risk. We use cookies to give you a personalized web experience. A cookie is a piece of text that a website places on your hard drive. Cookies are harmless and cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. We use two types of cookies, persistent cookies and non-persistent cookies. (see page Information about cookies for more information). You can delete the cookies stored on your computer at any time by choosing to delete them in your browser. In your browser, you can also choose to turn off all use of cookies.

Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics (Google LCC, USA) to store anonymous user statistics. If you do not want this to happen, you can surf anonymously through various tools and it is also possible to block Google Analytics by installing extensions in your browser.

Logging and abuse
When you use the service or visit our web pages, information is logged on our servers. The log files contain e.g. information about when the service was used and from which IP address. Log files are used to curb abuse of the service, to produce statistics that are anonymous or to find errors in the service and remedy them. If there is reason for us to suspect abuse of the service, we may combine personal data and data from different sources in order to ensure that the terms of the service, including this privacy policy, are not violated.

We have the right to change the conditions above if this is necessary to comply with the law and/or authority decisions or other sources of changed conditions beyond our control. We encourage the customer and users to visit the page for this privacy policy to see if any changes have been made. If changes are of such a nature that the use of us changes in a significant way, this will be communicated to the customer. By continuing to use our site, the customer is deemed to have accepted the changed rules and conditions. If the customer wants to close the account, the customer has the option to unregister from the page (via the Settings menu).
We hope that the above information has been helpful in informing you about our registration and use of your data.